Reading Secure Mail

Creation date: 10/20/2023 8:11 AM    Updated: 10/20/2023 8:11 AM   encrypted email reading encypted email reading secure email secure email

Office 365 provides mechanisms to send secure email. Sending a secure email will result in the contents being encrypted to the recipients. The process for reading encrypted email will vary depending on the recipient:

  • Recipients who are within the state using the State Governmental Network (SGN) and registered in the Office 365 state-shared tenant and accessing the encrypted email from Outlook or the Outlook web portal will be able to read the email without any additional decryption steps. 

  • Recipients who are at a Microsoft email destination such as or, or in another Microsoft Office 365 tenant, and accessing email from Outlook or the Outlook web portal will be able to read the email without any additional decryption steps.

  • All other recipients, including out-of-state, and state agencies who are not registered in an Office 365 tenant will have to use the process outlined below to access encrypted email.

Reading Encrypted Mail

Those recipients who fall into the latter category above will receive instructions on accessing the contents of the email as shown below.

Recipients must follow this procedure to access and read the encrypted email:

  1. Click on the “Read the message” button in the email as shown above.

  2. A web page is presented as shown below with the instructions to request a one-time passcode to access the encrypted email

  3. A follow-up email is sent to the recipient with a one-time passcode as shown below.

  4. The unencrypted email is then displayed in a web browser as shown below.

    Note: This process must be followed any time the encrypted email is read.